Inspired by Marikha
Mona Castellarnau
依曼纽尔·康德所言,崇高就是人类面对大自然的伟大时所感受到的敬畏——当它展现出它更和平的一面时,但当释放出可怕的力量时,更是如此,使得我们每个人都感受到 ...
The sublime according to Immanuel Kant is the sense of awe that man feels when faced with the greatness of nature – when it shows its more peaceful side, but even more so when unleashing its dreadful forces, making each and every one of us feel our smallness, our extreme fragility, our finitude. Yet at the same time, right when becoming aware of that, we intuit the infinite and realize that our soul is capable of far more than our senses can grasp.
Words by Gustav Willei
Published on 19 September 2017
Photography by Gustav Willeit